Entries by Dr. Afsaneh

Power Chain Braces – Everything You Need To Know

Braces are a one-stop solution if you are suffering from crooked or misaligned teeth and want to get a perfectly shaped smile. However, with traditional braces, chances are that the metal brackets and wires may not always be efficient and delay the process. This is where power chains come into play. They help improve the […]

Dry Mouth With Braces Explained: Xerostomia

Everyone dreams of a perfect dazzling smile. Interestingly, braces are fulfilling the dreams of millions every day. However, the journey with braces is not as easy as it looks. One of the major trouble spots includes a dry mouth with braces. Numerous reasons are responsible for dry mouth. Generally braces: Build up a conducive environment […]

Invisalign vs Braces – Costs and Comparisons

You have been thinking about straightening your teeth. There are two popular orthodontic treatments available that are FDA-approved – Metal Braces and Invisalign. Straightening your teeth, restoring your bite, and enhancing your smile are all possible with these devices. But how do you choose between the two?  If you are facing this dilemma, you are […]

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